武漢開雲娛樂環境科技有限公司Wuhan Shidai Environmental Technology Co. LTD

   武漢開雲娛樂環境科技有限公司成立於2018年,專注於城市園林生態全生命周期數智化服務及景區文旅智慧化建設 。公司擁有一支人工智能 、遙感技術應用 、大數據算法等數字技術專家團隊 ,麵向城市園林 、公園 、文旅景區的管理部門和行業企業 ,提供智慧管理 、智慧運營 、智慧服務 、智慧體驗的整體解決方案 。公司團隊在信息係統平台開發 、智能化設施集成 、數據融合 、文創設計和運維管理方麵經營豐富 ,獲得了各級主管部門和社會公眾的諸多好評 。通過“城市園林數智化服務平台” 、“智慧公園數字底座” 、“1+4+N智慧文旅體係”及智能化硬件設備體係 ,為城市園林生態和景區文旅管理提供全生命周期解決方案 ,實現可視化調度 、智能化控製 、數字化決策 、自動化預警和互動式體驗 。

   公司以“用科技改善生態人居環境”為使命 ,響應“構建美麗中國數字化治理體係 ,建設綠色智慧數字生態文明”的政策號召 ,依托全國一流的數字技術和生態管理領域的科研人才 、技術和資源支撐 ,積極踐行“服務生態管理 、守護生態文明”的研發思想 ,積極構建大範圍植物多源遙感監測體係 、生態管理智庫AI模型和全息數字影像AI製作模型 ,建立麵向未來 ,可拓展 、可演進 、普適化的智慧應用體係 。

   公司獲知識產權40餘項 ,創始人及技術團隊獲知識產權30餘項 ,公司是中國風景園林學會信息專委會副主任單位 ,獲得國家火炬中心“科技型中小企業” 、湖北省“高新技術企業” 、湖北省首批“創新型中小企業”認定 ,通過ITSS和雙軟認證 ,具備電子智能化貳級施工資質 ,獲評“2021光穀高科技高成長20強” ,“智能跑道”入選《武漢市首批數字應用場景清單》 ,“數字園林管理平台”入選《2022年湖北省創新產品應用示範推薦目錄》 ,“園林管養係統”入選《武漢市第二批數字經濟服務資源池》 ,“智慧公園數字底座”入選《2023年湖北省創新產品應用示範推薦目錄》 。

   作為退役軍人創辦的創新型企業 ,開雲娛樂秉持“創新發展 、精益求精”的經營理念 ,在“數字中國” 、“美麗中國”的政策驅動下 ,積極發揮企業研發技術優勢和平台運營優勢 ,以數字賦能生態 ,布局“生態+產業”的行業數字化基礎設施 ,力爭成為生態管理智慧化領域的領軍企業 。


Wuhan Shidai Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2018 and specializes in providing intelligent solutions for the lifecycle of urban garden ecology and the intelligent construction of scenic spots and tourist attractions. We have a team of digital technology experts in artificial intelligence, remote sensing technology application, and big data algorithms, and provide integrated solutions for intelligent management, intelligent operations, intelligent services, and intelligent experiences for government management departments and enterprises of urban gardens, parks, and scenic spots. Our team has rich experience in developing information system platforms, intelligent facility integration, data fusion, cultural innovation design, and operation and maintenance management. The team has received plenty of positive feedback from various government departments and the public. Through the "Intelligent Service Platform for Urban Garden Ecology," "Digital Foundation for Smart Parks," "1+4+N Smart Tourism System," and intelligent hardware equipment system, we provide a full life cycle solution for urban garden ecology and scenic spot tourism management, achieving visualized dispatching, intelligent control, digitalized decision-making, automated warning, and interactive experiences.

 Our mission is to "improve the ecological and living environment with technology," in response to the policy call of "building a digital governance system for a beautiful China and constructing a green and intelligent digital ecological civilization," it relies on the top tier digital technology and R&D talents, technology and resources in the field of ecological management in China, actively practices the research and development idea of "serving ecological management and guarding ecological civilization," actively builds a large-scale multi-source remote sensing monitoring system for plants, ecological management AI model and holographic digital image AI production model, and establishes a future-oriented, expandable, evolvable and universal smart application system.

we have secured in excess of 40 intellectual property rights, and the founding members along with the technical staff have been awarded over 30 intellectual property rights,and we are recognized as a "small to medium sized, science and technology enterprise" by the State Torch Program Center, a "high-tech enterprise" by the Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Department, and one of the first "innovative small and medium-sized enterprise" in Hubei Province's. We have obtained the ITSS and dual-soft certification, a grade 2 construction qualification for electronic and intellectualization, and we were awarded the "Top 20 High-tech High-growth Companies in East Lake High-tech Zone in 2021", "Intelligent Running Track", and selected as a candidate for the "First List of Digital Application Scenarioses in Wuhan", "Digital Landscape Management Platform". We were also selected for the "2022 Innovative Product Application Demonstration Recommendation Catalogue of Hubei Province", "Landscape Maintenance System", "Second List of Digital Economy Service Resources Pool in Wuhan", "Smart Park Digital Foundation" and "2023 Innovative Product Application Demonstration Recommendation Catalogue of Hubei Province".

As an innovative enterprise founded by veteran, we adhere to the business philosophy of "innovative development and meticulous craftsmanship" and actively leverage our advantages in R&D, technology and platform management driven by "Digital China" and "Beautiful China" policies, to achieve the goal of empowering ecosystems with digital technology and laying out the digital infrastructure for industry digitalization in the form of "ecosystem + industry". We strive to become a leading enterprise in intellectualizing the ecosystem management.

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